Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.

In this episode, I talk to Lucie Clement, A.K.A The Dance Psychologist. Lucie is a former researcher and lecturer who now specialises in educating dancers and people working in dance about psychology and the evidence-based choices dancers can make to support their well-being.

Within this conversation, we touch on a wide variety of topics spanning over the dance and sporting world. Lucie explains her work around creativity and how she feels it is the opposite of perfectionism. We talk about the roles coaches can play to influence athlete well-being both positively and negatively, and we talk about how organisations are playing their part in dance.

To see more of Lucie's work you can head to her website:

Her twitter: @LucieDancePsych

And her Instagram: @Thedancepsychologist