Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.

Disclaimer - in this episode we talk about eating disorders, excessive exercise, and other mental health issues. Please take care if you decide to listen.

In this episode of the MyoMinds Podcast, I speak with endurance running coach Daniel Robinson. Dan has lived experience with an eating disorder, a Ph.D. in sport psychology, and years of experience as a coach.

Through this conversation, we attempt to tackle to problem of how we can begin to improve coaching to help alleviate and/or prevent eating disorders in sport. We touch on topics like:

How best to implement experts by experience to help implement change.The importance of recognising imposter syndrome as well as your ego.Whether there is a truly appropriate way of coachingThe issues that come with creating a fear of being "cancelled" for coaching in a suboptimal mannerHow can coaches create an atmosphere that is helpful for athletes with eating disorders?Is it right to aim to always be happy?

Today's devils advocate question: We know coaches can influence athletes mental health so shouldn’t we be shunning all coaches for so many athletes having mental health issues?

To find Dan, you can follow his awesome initiative The Oregano Project, which supports refugee athletes, online:

Instagram: @theoreganoproject

Twitter: @oregano_project