Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.

Disclaimer - In this podcast we talk about eating disorders and other mental health experiences that may be distressing to people. Please take care.

In this episode of the MyoMinds Podcast I speak to clinical psychologist and author of "Skewed To The Right: Sport, Mental Health and Vulnerability", Dr. Amy Izycky.

This conversation spans many different topics, including:

Amy's experience with the disordered behaviors that are normalised in certain sports.The presence of lasting generational trauma.The ins and outs of psychoanalysis.When disordered exercise and eating behaviours become a problem.The role of masochism in athlete mental health.Grief in injury and sports retirement, and how this may link to athlete alcoholism and drug use.The importance of creating a "pyramid" rather than a "tower" of who you are.

Todays Devil's Advocate question: Athletes don’t need a psychologist, back in the day they just pulled up their socks up and carried on, what’s the point?

Make sure to check out Amy's book "Skewed To The Right". To find Amy you can follow her on:

Instagram: @amyizycky