This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: True Banking By Erin Nicole. Its about the Vatican Bank or what it used to be and what Erin Nicole Ministries is about to become for the world. Everything will be transparent for nothing is hidden from Him so nothing should be hidden in our spending. 24 days until we sign official contracts with all POTUS/FLOTUS and help get President Trump back in his rightful position. The Lord has assigned ENM as the Kidneys of the World, filtering out the junk and welcoming in His Children's fresh ideas, products and services to spread His love ❤️ around the world 🗺 how He intended for all of us. I can't wait to be reunited to my husband after a year and a half of zero contact!! Listen, learn, and share with any of your friends that have been working 2,3,4 or more jobs just to make ends meet. The time is coming very soon for big changes. Keep your head up! Know that my family is praying for you and your family. He always wins the war.