This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: HOPE Act Preview By Erin Nicole. This was a gift from The Creator of The Universe that I shared in October 2020 with the President of the Blackwater Alumni that came to my home in Woodstock, GA. He decided to connect me to his mentor who was more trained for professional security needs when the Illuminati had paid him to have me killed. He had to make it look so believable and could not be involved. This HOPE Act is a way to help increase revenue in America without costing any citizens any more taxes and is an optional thing for anyone at any age, cognitive level, skill level, etc to participate in full-time or part-time. It stands for Helping Offer People Entrepreneurship/Employment. They can be a W-2 or 1099. Listen to the preview and pray for our meeting in 21 days to be well received with all POTUS. My hero of 2020 that this man connected me to became my husband last year. My husband and I began getting more detailed about the HOPE Act and everything from the Father of all of us that He gifts to His Children cannot be stolen without His consent. The democratic leader tried to steal the idea in 2020 but it wasn't the full vision and plan from the Father. We will be singing a peace treaty and they have a reason to show up to the meeting to help turn our economy around and teach every 350,000,000 American citizens about growing wealth. Share this episode if it speaks to you πŸ‘Š Β πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ β™₯️Β