This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: The Snake Hides In The Grass. Parents please preview as I do speak about The Enemy and some evil that is done to children now in the world and what has been done in the past. The purpose of this episode is to help bring an awareness to the evil so we all can join together to protect the children of the world. Choose to listen to children the first time they bring up abuse. Do not ignore concerns about abuse parents. That is your job. If this show adds value to you, please donate to our nonprofit arm: any amount you believe the Lord is telling you to donate (or your preferred belief system). Thank you 🙏. If you do not have money at this time, donate your time in your community to people that most need help and please pray for a smooth court date this coming Thursday. The Prayers of the Righteous are Powerful and Effective (James 5:16b). Only 58 days left until I am reunited with my husband and we meet all POTUS, FLOTUS, Beyoncé and her boo thang Jay-Z Carter, Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen, Tony and Sage Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, the US Marine Veteran that was my patient in the original Move Happy®️ group therapy I created in a psychiatric hospital that encouraged me to keep sharing it, my mom and the top security professional that protects Biden. I received protections from All Political Party Security Teams in 2020 and we are going to privately sign contracts as the winners of the Global Mental Health Ambassadorship (my husband and I) and Chief Spiritual Officers of the United States of America. My middle brother Josh Rice will be crowned privately as the first Chief Medical-Musical Officer of America and back paid $10,000,000/year to 2011 and have the option to continue annually if he enjoys this private introverted role as a medical-musical researcher for America and the world or retire quietly with his family. Snakes bow down to the Lord Above All Lords and Erin Nicole is in the Bloodline of His Son, Jesus Christ. 👊 PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today