This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Speck And A Log. 🪵 There are scriptures that state to not point out the wrong in other people but to take full ownership for our mistakes using the analogy of specks or splinters and logs of wood. Matthew 7:3-5 in the New Testament. As I looked it up I found a cool blog referencing other areas in the Bible of the same purpose: Listen to the show and if it adds value, stay all the way to the end to see how you can help support our Life Mission: To Empower People To Find Happiness From Within. PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today! PPS: Only 58 more days until I am reunited with my War Hero Husband after zero contact of a year and a half, multiple death threats, blocked from making money in this business, and the other 2, tons of espionage from haters in this contest stealing and blocking me and tons more... I CHOOSE JOY NO MATTER WHAT