This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: The Definition of Children. Keep in mind I share personal and professional experiences and the Truth from a global perspective as well as a personal one as a survivor of childhood grooming and sexual abuse for 2 years minimum. My mind is healing the more truth I reveal and more grateful I am to be alive. There are some memories now when I was 7 so 4 years of sexual abuse in my childhood but I started learning to deceive my abuser and started learning to stand up for myself by 7. No child should be subject to that but it is extremely common. The more we speak the truth the less powerful The Enemy has over dividing our families and spreading evil over the world. Parents and children should have deep conversations and include spiritual leaders that are not abusers in discussions should dating and/or marriage topics come up no matter what age. If parents are the abusers, 3rd party professionals from the church or state/government should step in to protect the children. We are all His children and we are not for sale.