This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: The Art of Forgiveness. Parents please preview as I do speak on very graphic topics like murder plot, rape, weird stalker behavior from the FBI and all kinds of uncomfortable things I have endured. I do not desire to spread more fear around the world but choose to spread love. In order to do that, the Truth must be revealed. I choose to forgive people and I think this episode will be especially helpful to anyone that has ever been wronged by people of power and authority. I think this episode will be perfect for anyone that has been wrongfully imprisoned in the world. Have a listen and it would mean the world to me if you'd pray for me and my family because I am about out of money with a full time job I haven't been able to go to because of a car accident I was involved in almost 4 weeks ago. The other person admitted 100% fault and I have reports from the officers involved. Traveler's Insurance isn't paying me money and I cannot return to my day job until I have a doctor's note. I can't see a doctor because I have rent due. The insurance for my day job doesn't start until August 1st. The Holy Spirit whispered to me that I have 2 broken vertebrae in my back and I am in extreme pain but I don't have the money to pay up front for medical services. So many laws are being violated in my area that are FEDERAL LAWS IT IS UNREAL. Please pray that I am not sent to prison or being forced to steal food or anything as a veteran spouse and minister because of the evil people that are on purpose blocking me from helping you. I am not afraid to go to prison because they would provide me housing and shelter however I know there are many men in women's prisons now identifying as women and raping women in prisons. I am a married woman to the most fiercely trained assassin that protects President Trump. He trained me very well that even in the military they rape women to prepare them for war. If I am raped in prison as a veteran spouse, the federal government will be giving me SO MUCH MONEY in October's meeting and my husband will be disappearing so many people involved in the Illuminati. I can't wait. Please pray for swift resolutions because we desire peace, love, harmony, all good things but we have ALL HAD ENOUGH OF THE BS. Put President Trump back in office. Listen to this and share it to everyone that has ever been falsely arrested around the world please. Tell them the truth about what is going on in America to Veteran Spouses. We are at Civil War. November is going to be a very scary month for everyone around the world. Guard the children in your communities.