This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Repercussions By Erin Nicole. The Lord reveals lots of scriptures to me through this episode. He reveals some sick 🤮 truths of leadership in power around the world, and He encouraged me to share my song that He gifted me last fall to sing with Beyoncé and one of my childhood friends I've known since my first year in public school 🏫. 38 days until I am reunited with my husband and get to meet Beyoncé in person! I'm of course using affirmative languages believing that the Lord gifted this song for us to do together. Nothing is signed yet and she could walk away from this opportunity to make 33% lifetime royalties off of my original song "Resiliency Queen" but I don't think she will because my husband is the most fierce and loving man in the world and I believe his buddies reached out to her on my behalf because I asked them to 😉. All my warriors of light I am so grateful for you all 🤗. Have a listen and share if you don't mind a minister that curses. I'm working on it.... survived my 18th death attempt yesterday from these evil nasty pedofiles that are mega rich. Go see the Sound of Freedom Movie and recognize its the bad guys that have been targeting me for 3 years since I entered this Global Mental Health Ambassador contest and I am the winner. My husband and I won 1st place in the world and all of us Americans won this together to help people struggling with mental health. All the thefts have been traced and we reveal the truth in bits and pieces overtime as the Lord assigns us to do 👊. No ask in this episode just spreading love and truth