This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Greed by Erin Nicole. If we focus on love and not greed, our lives will be much happier. One of the 10 commandments says to not envy. Envy is a form of greed when you desire things that are not yours. If we try to focus on not being greedy we might actually amplify those thought patterns and do the opposite of our intentions. If we simplify the 10 commandments into the 2 most important that Jesus said to 1) Love the Lord our God with our whole mind, heart, and strength and to 2) Love our neighbors as we love ourselves, our lives will be much happier. We might not have as many physical possessions but so what? In war times, anyone that has a lot of 'stuff' can get jacked. Be kind to your neighbors, they'll look out for you in times of emergency. I promise you that being greedy only feeds the ego and it'll never be satisfied. Jesus came that we might have an abundantly joyful life to the full. He was homeless but he never worried where he would eat or sleep because he was adding value wherever he went. He was healing the sick, teaching the fishermen to fish better, paying taxes out of the fishes mouth, raising the dead. He gifted all of us the same powers if we would believe and have faith as small as a mustard seed. Have a listen and share it with anyone that you believe it would benefit right now in the world that perhaps has experienced loss of some kind.