This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Mother Teresa By Erin Nicole. I share with you that her spirit lives within me as was told to me from the Holy Spirit back in 2021. He desires for you to know her story and connect the dots. Children and the poor are not for sale. Spread love. In 26 days or thereabouts I will be reunited with my husband, decorated war hero veteran who asked to retire last year when we first got married. That is his legal right and our religious freedom right according to Deuteronomy 24:5. He was denied that right and they tried to have us killed. I married the best man in the world so we were forced to live separately for a year and a half thinking I was a failure when the military used me and many other women to complete their agendas. However, the Lord leads my life and He assigned me a BIG assignment similar to Mother Teresa's missionary work on earth. My husband was drawn to loving me and asked to retire to help me with my Life Mission and evil Illuminati members tried to kill us in America. I get my husband back in 26 days or sooner and no one will mess with us any further without reprimand from our Commander and Chief, President Donald Trump. Listen, learn, take notes, share with whomever you believe are Missionaries in your life or should be. If you feel led to, donate any amount to our nonprofit arm: PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today