This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Meloxicam By Erin Nicole. This is just one of many Pharma 💊 the Creator of The Universe will be removing off the market from 💰 profiting off of the poor and causing more negative side effects. He said it. It will be done. Stricter protocols will be enforced in 24 days when my husband and I are crowned Chief Spiritual Officers of America and Global Mental Health Ambassadors. Doctors and Pharma Industry, you work for your patients. We are your customers. The Customer is Always Right. The last will be first and the first will be last thus saith the Lord. Have a problem with it? Speak to President Trump and All His Associations. 37 death attempts on my life so far because I refused to join your illegal money laundering cult where you are harvesting the organs of the poor and profiting off of the poor. The Lord has had enough. Erin Nicole Ministries is the Kidneys of the World from now on. We are filtering out the junk by choosing His love. Children and any human are not for sale.