The cry heard all around the country.  Juggling work, children, and other responsibilities amid a global pandemic are pushing moms to their breaking point.  Moms around the country are facing ever-growing challenges in trying to maintain their own personal sanity while caring for their family, working, and conquering an endless list of to-dos. 

However, what do you do when it all becomes too much? You reach your breaking point, your tipping point, and are just plain burnt out. You may be feeling like a bad mom because you are short-tempered, losing your sh*t, and just can't hold it together. Well, guess what? You are not alone. One thing is certain, this pandemic has exposed the bias that exists in the workforce towards mothers.  Now moms around the world are crying, yelling, and screaming out for someone to understand. 

The New York Times recently published an article featuring their "Primal Scream Line", a line that lets moms call in and vent, cry, yell or scream for up to one minute. How genius is that? 

In this episode, I share:

The crisis American moms are facing during this pandemicHow the stress and uncertainty is impacting momsThe Primal Scream line and other coping strategies for momsTips to uplift and empower moms to get up each day and keep goingHow moms can support each other during this time

Check out the New York Times article The Primal Scream Line and hear from moms in crisis just like you.

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Do you find yourself stuck, discouraged, and struggling to work through unresolved trauma? Have you completely lost sight of your dreams and unsure what steps to take next?
Whether you are currently dealing with trauma, working through your trauma, or simply at a point in your life where you are ready to set and achieve your personal and professional goals, Rising Above Statistics is the guide you need in your life right now.

In Rising Above Statistics: From Trauma to Triumph,  I share the steps I followed to transform my trauma as a teen mom, living in poverty and dealing with depression into triumph as a strong, successful businesswoman who lives every day with purpose, intention, and focus. Through stories, tips, and guided exercises, I show you how you can transform your trauma, master your mindset, and unleash your full potential in life and business. Get your copy of Rising Above Statistics: From Trauma to Triumph today!

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