Vrin is an Enneagram Coach and Meditation Teacher. She works with women and those who identify with the female energy to build strong and healthy relationships with themselves and others. She does this by using the personality framework of the Enneagram which helps us to understand which lens our ego sees the world through. 

Depending on that particular lens, we internalize and process occurrences, words, actions and circumstances in very unique ways that will cause our ego to either categorize it as triggering (a particular identity I hold dear is being called into question - DO SOMETHING NOW!) or validating (Ah! I’m being seen as I want to be seen). 

It is our responses to our ego that spill out in interactions we have with ourselves and others in both the personal and professional settings. By understanding what we are driven by, we develop greater awareness, understanding and acceptance of ourselves and others.

Vrin is also a meditation teacher and a life-long practitioner of nada yoga (the yoga of sound), japa yoga (the yoga of meditative mantra recitation) and kirtan yoga. She is also well-versed in tantra, chakra meditation, swara yoga (the science of the breath) and yoga nidra (psychic sleep).

Be sure to join us as we continue embarking on the Enneagram + Relationship series!! We are so happy you’re here. 

She talks:

How she got into Enneagram + Coaching The importance of levels of consciousness Different Center of the Enneagram Deep dive into Heart Center Types 2, 3, & 4 Best ways to support our Heart Center types & help them grow 

Find us at: 

@illuminate.nyc | www.illuminate.nyc @morealikepodcast | @jackieborrego

Virn’s Offerings: 

1:1 Coaching Enneagram Consultations Intention Setting Template