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2019-10-22 Weekly News - Episode 24

Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Brad Wood - Lead Architect for Ortus Solutions

News and Events

CFWheels 2.0.2 Security Release - October 17th

Today sees a security release for the 2.x series.
It is strongly recommended to update to CFWheels 2.0.2 if you are running either 2.0.0 or 2.0.1. This issue does not affect 1.x releases. This release introduces a potentially breaking change, so you are encouraged to test your application appropriately before deploying. Thanks to Bryan Welter for bringing it to our attention.

Online #ColdFusion Meetup - "Approaches to more secure ColdFusion code" with Pete Freitag

Thu Oct 24, 12p US ET
Security is a topic we as developers love to ignore as much as possible, but as the number of attacks increase year over year we need to grab hold of the security in our apps. It can be difficult to secure large or legacy codebases, we'll look at some practical approaches to getting in there and making progress. We'll also review some of the top vulnerabilities to watch out for, which also provide a good starting point.

Want to speak - read more here -

CF Camp Review

Looks like it was another great conference.
Use hashtag #cfcamp to read the tweets, and see blog posts related to the conference.

Some big announcements on Lucee 5.4.* and Lucee 6 during the event.
- Lucee 5.4 will have compat for latest Adobe releases! #CFCamp #CFML #ColdFusion
- Beware .cfm and .cfc, @lucee_server v6 is bringing in a new file extension: .cfs. Which is a scripted cfm template, without the need for a wrapping <cfscript> tag
- Lucee 6 will have before and after listeners for cfquery that can even modify SQL on the fly. Would be cool to create a pre preprocessor for cfquery to write DSLs and then transform to actual SQL at runtime.
- Async queries are now supported as well.
- Even better, regular CFML functions can be automatically converted to Java function interfaces.

Luis Majano missed CF Camp this year, and he was missed, but he’ll be back next year for sure.

Ortus Solutions Training in Bangalore India - A Big Success

Luis Majano @lmajano tweeted:
ColdBox training done! What a great class! Bright, fun, and talented developers. Thanks guys it was amazing and I promise to come back with our SuperHero class! #cfml #modernizeOrDie @ Bangalore, India


Hacktoberfest® is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.

Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community!
Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.
Sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.

Signup today - 4 valid pull requests will earn you a free t-shirt.

Tweet from Brad Wood @bdw429s
I already found two people with #hacktoberfest shirts at the #CFCamp pre conference. How many more will there be? #CFML


CF Summit India

Dec 7, 2019 - Bengalaru
The ColdFusion India Summit is a confluence of everything in the realm of web applications. If you develop web applications, this is the place to be. For designers, developers, strategists and thought leaders, the ColdFusion India Summit provides the perfect forum to exchange ideas, inspiration and experiences.
In addition to opportunities to interact with ColdFusion experts, domain leaders and peers, get to learn about the latest technologies, techniques, and strategies to rapidly build and successfully deliver web applications to the market. With the web applications scenario evolving rapidly, explore how ColdFusion is driving change and how you can propel this dynamism.
Registration is complimentary.

Into the Box 2020

May 6-8, 2020 | Texas
Hyatt Place The Woodlands
1909 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380
Call for Speakers will be announced soon. We are always looking for lots of different content from different speakers, don’t be shy, submit something. Does not have to be related to BOX products.
Early bird tickets will be available close to the end of the year.

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Tweet - James Moberg @gamesover - Tweet about ColdFusion Forums
I just visited the Adobe Community Forums & noticed #ColdFusion is listed #5 (above PhotoShop;below Acrobat & Flash Player) based on qty of conversations.  I believe this is the first time that I've ever seen it on the 1st page of any Adobe list. #cfml

Blog - FusionReactor - Requests from the Adobe Performance Monitoring Toolset are tracked in FusionReactor
A customer recently reported strange requests tracked in FusionReactor with ColdFusion 2018 and the performance monitoring toolset installed.
With a ColdFusion instance and the Adobe performance Monitoring Toolset (PMT) FusionReactor users will see web requests for the URL http://localhost/connector appear for the Adobe ColdFusion 2018 application.

Blog - Matt Gifford - CFCamp 2019
CFCamp 2019, the longest-running CFML conference in Europe (and now the only CFML conference in Europe), was held at the Munich Airport Marriott Hotel, Freising, Germany on 17th-18th October 2019.

Blog - Nolan Erck - CFCamp Notes: Lucee 5.4 & 6, Gert Franz and Michael Offner-Streit
Looking at Lucee now, and in the future with Lucee 6.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Using RegEx To Filter Keys With Redis Key Scanner In Lucee CFML And Jedis
Earlier this week, I wrote about Redis Key Scanner, which is a small Lucee CFML app that allows me to safely and efficiently iterate over the key-space of a Redis...

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