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2019-10-29 Weekly News - Episode 25

Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Brad Wood - Lead Architect for Ortus Solutions

News and Events

Charlie Arehart talking to CFUGSFL about FusionReactor - October 30th

@carehart is taking @CFUGSFL through the amazing features of FusionReactor next week.
Extended FREE FR Ultimate trials for all attendees.  Discounts off @Adobe #ColdFusion and Free FR Developer licences if you leave us a Review on @G2dotcom

Online #ColdFusion Meetup - "GET /cfml - A Guide to Writing API Wrappers" with Matthew Clemente

Thu Oct 31, 12p US ET
Nearly everything has an API; they are the language of the internet. With a simple HTTP call, you can process a payment, send a text, and yes, even return random cat pictures. While many API providers have official libraries, ColdFusion may not be one of the supported languages. In this session, I'll show you how to craft your own coherent wrapper for APIs that don't already have ColdFusion support. We'll examine code from real-world examples to learn practical design strategies, as well as the theory behind them. After all, while every API is different, the underlying RESTful principles are the same.

Missed “Approaches to more secure ColdFusion code" with Pete Freitag?

Hacktoberfest - Last chance to win a free T-Shirt

Hacktoberfest® is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.

Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community!
Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.
Sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.

Signup today - 4 valid pull requests will earn you a free t-shirt.


Into the Box LATAM

Dec 4, 2019 - San Salvador, El Salvador
1 Day - 1 Track - Presented in Spanish
Speakers include: Luis Majano, Edgardo Cabezas, Jorge Reyes, Jon Clausen, Esmeralda Acevedo, Stephanie Monge, Javier Quintero, Luis Vega
Lots of great content, I had to use google translate to know what they were talking about.
Tickets available now.

CF Summit India

Dec 7, 2019 - Bengalaru
The ColdFusion India Summit is a confluence of everything in the realm of web applications. If you develop web applications, this is the place to be. For designers, developers, strategists and thought leaders, the ColdFusion India Summit provides the perfect forum to exchange ideas, inspiration and experiences.
In addition to opportunities to interact with ColdFusion experts, domain leaders and peers, get to learn about the latest technologies, techniques, and strategies to rapidly build and successfully deliver web applications to the market. With the web applications scenario evolving rapidly, explore how ColdFusion is driving change and how you can propel this dynamism.
Registration is complimentary.

Into the Box 2020

May 6-8, 2020 | Houston, Texas
Hyatt Place The Woodlands
1909 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380
Call for Speakers will be announced soon. We are always looking for lots of different content from different speakers, don’t be shy, submit something. Does not have to be related to BOX products.
Early bird tickets will be available close to the end of the year.

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Grae Desmond on ColdFusion.Adobe.Com - ColdFusion Summit 2019 Recap (Vegas Edition)
So a little late putting together my thoughts on the ColdFusion Summit 2019 in Vegas earlier this month.  Oh well, it happens but at least I’m getting around to it now.  Better late than never.

Blog - Fusion Reactor - Configuring and Disabling log tracking in FusionReactor
FusionReactor tracks calls to any logging implementation made within your application. These logs are captured within the request object and can be configured based on their log severity.
We capture log statements for both Java frameworks and CF log statements

Tweet - Matthew Clemente - Excited to be speaking on the Online ColdFusion Meetup.
Really excited to be speaking at the next Online @coldfusion meetup about #CFML API wrappers. If you missed my session at CFSummit, you can see it here. And don't worry if you can't watch it live - it'll be recorded.

Tweet- Matt Gifford - Lessons learned from his first Live Coding Stream
Things I have learnt from my first live coding stream: 1. It’s hard to talk about what you are coding and why you are coding it as you are coding it. 2. It’s a new experience to fill up dead air with chatter as you do so. 3. It’s a lot of fun. #monkehVideo #cfml #lucee

Blog - Matt Gifford - Monkeh Video Live Stream
On Friday 25th October 2019 I broadcast the first live video stream for Monkeh Video.
My plan is to essentially have some fun on streaming media. Monkeh Video will cover presentations, code refactoring, tips and tricks, tutorials on certain frameworks and practices and some live coding exercises that some may find useful.

Podcast - CF Alive - 091 Vue.JS FusionReactor and Therapy, with Raymond Camden

Twitter Mentions