2019-10-15 Weekly News - Episode 23

Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Andrew Davis - Senior Developer for InLeague LLC

News and Events

Online #ColdFusion Meetup - "Approaches to more secure ColdFusion code" with Pete Freitag
Thu Oct 24, 12p US ET
Security is a topic we as developers love to ignore as much as possible, but as the number of attacks increase year over year we need to grab hold of the security in our apps. It can be difficult to secure large or legacy codebases, we'll look at some practical approaches to getting in there and making progress. We'll also review some of the top vulnerabilities to watch out for, which also provide a good starting point.
Want to speak - read more here - https://www.carehart.org/blog/client/index.cfm/2019/10/9/come_speak_on_the_cfmeetup

MongoDB Lucee Extension V1.0.0 released

We are very excited to bring you a new commercial product release for the Ortus Family: MongoDB Server Lucee Extension  The MongoDB Server Lucee Extension allows you to natively connect to a MongoDB Server cluster and leverage it for distributed caching, session/client storage and distribution, cluster RAM file systems, and much more. It can allow your Lucee servers to scale and extend easily by leveraging MongoDB Server as the platform of choice for session/cluster managements, NoSQL, caching and virtual file-systems.

I <3 Lucee - At ApacheCon 2019

Last month Igal gave a talk titled "I Love Lucee" at the Tomcat track of ApacheCon Lucee is a Rapid Application Development platform, consisting of an application server, language implementation, and a framework


Hacktoberfest® is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.

Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community!
Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects.
Sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.

Signup today - 4 valid pull requests will earn you a free t-shirt.


ColdBox From Zero to Hero - Bootcamp Training - SOLD OUT

Bangalore, India | October 16-17, 2019 - by Luis Majano
Very popular ColdBox training, a great way to get your feet wet and jump start your ColdBox development.

Project Overview:
We will be building a real twitter clone: SoapBox.  We will use HMVC conventions, including BDD / TDD testing to build out the application including the usage of many different ForgeBox modules and industry standards.

Price: $199 for 2 days
Group discounted pricing available for $99
Register now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hmvc-web-applications-from-zero-to-hero-bangalore-india-2019-tickets-58595141646

CF Camp - Workshops and Conference

October 17th and 18th in Munich, Freising, Germany.
Read more now: https://www.cfcamp.org/ - Tickets NOW AVAILABLE.
Early bird - July 15, 2019 - 280 EUR - $313.27
Regular - Sep 11 - Oct 15, 2018 - 330 EUR - $369.17
Late - Oct 16 - Nov 8, 2018 - 380 EUR - $425.10

3rd Episode of Code Masters
Don't miss the third episode of CODE MASTERS from your hosts @markdrew and @robdudley
They recorded a video from CFCamp last year as part of the LocalHost.fm podcast. Watch the Youtube video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MECBMAMw0A

You can see the great lineup of speakers and sessions from last year on the site now. They will update as the speakers and sessions for this year is finalized.

Call for Speaker Deadline was July 7th - Now closed
Speakers have been announced

On Twitter Kai said “I can honestly say this is the best & most diverse programme, @cf_camp  ever had!“

Ortus Speakers
Eric Peterson
Jorge Reyes
Brad Wood

Lots of Great Community Speakers
Charlie Arehart
Eleftheria Batsou
Miguel Beltran
Wil de Bruin
Jen Doherty
Mark Drew
Rob Dudley
Seb Duggan
Nolan Erck
Uma Ghotikar
Matt Gifford
Majid Hajian
Michael Hnat
Kenigbolo Meya Stephen
Kai König
Francisco Mancardi
Lara Martín
Joel Stobart
Maciej Treder
Dom Watson
Sebastian Zartner

Sessions have been announced

CF CAMP Pre Conference Training Options Announced
Before CFCamp we're offering some interesting training sessions and presentations. The training sessions are held at the CFCamp venue at the Marriott Hotel Munich Airport in Freising.
We're currently putting together a very interesting set of training for you. Please stay tuned.

ColdBox Hero to Superhero (Oct, 15-16th)
BDD with TESTBOX (Oct, 15-16th)
PresideCon (Oct, 16th)
Centralize your logs with the Elastic Stack (Oct, 16th)
Get into Linux (Oct, 16th)

Ortus Training at CF Camp
Ortus will be doing a 2 day workshop on the 15th and 16th of October.

Eric Peterson will be leading - Rest easy at night with TestBox BDD
Brad Wood will be leading the - Hero to Superhero - API REST Edition - name to be confirmed.

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Podcast - Michaela Light - Teratech - Charlie Arehart talks about ColdFusion 2020 in this episode of the #CFAlive Podcast

Tweet - Lucee Server tweeting about CFCamp videos from 2018
Check out the CFCamp videos from last year via cfcamp.org/videos.html
We had some great sessions in 2018. Are you ready for CFCamp 2019?

Blog - Ben Nadel - Building A Simple Redis Key Scanner Using Lucee CFML And Jedis
The other day at work, I noticed that our production Redis instance was holding steady, on balance, at about 7GB of memory usage and 14M keys. Anything "holding steady" in Redis makes me suspicious, especially over the course of several months, as I would expect the Redis resource consumption to ebb-and-flow with the natural rhythm of user engagement. As such, I wanted to start digging into the Redis data to see if anything looked wonky. To aid in this discovery process (and to have some fun), I created a super light-weight Redis Key Scanner using Lucee CFML and Jedis, which I can run locally using CommandBox.

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