Some people love flexing their sales muscle. Others — not so much. If you’re a business owner who’s “never been good at selling” or hyperventilates at the thought of pitching, that can present a real challenge. Chances are, your products or services don’t have legs and if they do, they won’t walk themselves anywhere profitable. Luckily, there’s a way to market your offers that does all the selling for you.


Landon Porter, the head gorilla at the Sales Gorilla, specializes in teaching people how to get clients and customers without being salesy. In this ‘awesomesauce’ episode, he unpacks what you need to get your market showing up wallet-in-hand just by leveraging your authentic personality.

Episode Discussions: Why people fear asking for a sale How sales got its bad reputation Presell tactics that get people to show up, ready to buy What’s self-awareness got to do with attracting ideal clients? Leveraging your personality traits to polarize your marketplace Identifying strengths and outsourcing weaknesses What your audience really wants out of your content When you should start building your audience Putting your message in front of your marketplace Using positive indifference to your benefit Why some find it hard to polarize their market The foundation of building an ideal audience The ‘make you memorable’ method you’ve never heard of How to identify important personality traits to align with ideal clients The real reason behind Facebook Live’s massive success Steps Adam uses to maximize client results Attracting and building trust with your market using content



The Lowdown on Landon

Colorado Native and certified chef

Spent 10 years in B2B Sales, 5 years in Real Estate

Ended up in sales and had a midlife crisis

Discovered self-awareness

Created parenting course with wife and bought Facebook Ads course

Built relationships and started helping people solve business problems

Now coaches people on how to get clients without being salesy



We are in the relationship economy

Sales tactic of psychological persuasion manipulation:

Isn’t easy to learn Has been taken too far to one extreme by people who aren't able to do it well.

Sales and selling have gotten a bad rep. Most people who are naturally good at sales don't want to do it or are afraid to ask.



Give yourself permission to be yourself.

Be exactly who you are and own it. You'll naturally polarize all the people who don't relate to you without having to try.



The sales block.



Positive indifference: The ability to not change how you are based on what others think of you.



Leverage your personality in your business Play to your strengths and outsource weaknesses. Play up your natural traits and personality 10-20% to really get the attention. Sales takeaway: Most people try to be something they're not and it's hard to keep that up with clients. Your authentic self isn’t hard to maintain around clients.



Identify your strengths and outsource weaknesses Deciding what to outsource: Tasks you procrastinate or find busy work to keep yourself from doing If you're not good at getting up in the morning and taking care of that thing What you have to force yourself to push through to get finished


Leverage your personality traits to polarize your marketplace

Self-awareness is the foundation

Understand your real desires > know what you will and won't tolerate > establish your values Don't compromise Naturally, you'll attract some and repel others.



The people who naturally gravitate toward you come pre-prepared to buy. No need to sell them.

True polarization is leveraging really who you actually are.

"It doesn't matter what you're actually really like. There are people that naturally want to connect with that."


Understand your personality to match with your perfect client Define surface level irritations: Things that disgruntle you. Pet peeves? Opposites are your surface level wants, desires, and interests. Lower base want/need/desire: Something that could offend you to the point of stopped conversation. Core value: Something so offensive, you would leave your home and go try and find them.



Why some find it difficult to polarize their market:

"You genuinely have to be OK with the fact that there are going to be people that are vocally loud that you're wrong, and they don't like you."


 "If you can find that audience that loves you and resonates with kind of makes it easier. It makes it all irrelevant and you're like 'cool I'm not for you'."


When you stop trying to impress people, you're able to impact people.



Get people to show up, ready to buy with know, like, and trust: Expose yourself enough for people to know whether or not they relate to you. They need to see you up to 12 different times before they feel like they know you. If they feel like they know you and seem to relate, they begin to like Now you're building trust.



Attraction and exposure tips Inform and entertain Expose people to you Pay to play Leverage platforms for the way they're designed Provide content that helps build know, like, and trust factors and segments people who want it, can afford it, and trust enough to buy. Put your content in front of people



Attracting people with content: People want to know how you finesse what you do to get the result. If your perfect client was sitting next to you at the bar, what would you discuss with them? What are the questions your market asks you?



You have to start somewhere. Create content today and start dipping your toes into the water of pay-to-play media.



Building trust with content Your personality is the differentiator and determining factor provided you know your topic and the wants and needs of your market. Relatability builds trust. Help them get the result they're looking for and they're likely to come back.



Get your message in front of your marketplace.

“You can have the best message all day long. If you don't ever put it out in front of people, guess what? No sales!"


The foundation of building your audience: Stand out from the crowd: Build your own personal language — that's easy metaphorically and analogy-wise — to explain what it is you do People pick up on nuanced, personalized characteristics.

“Know your topic, market, and be your weird a** self. That's the key to it. And then step up on the soapbox and put your message out there.”


Mentioned in this episode:

Getting Clients Without Being Salesy

Scott Wolford Facebook Group


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