It’s official. We’ve closed the door on 2017 and laid down the welcome mat for 2018. The new year bears gifts of fresh possibilities and newfound drive. But let’s face it, after the holiday haze, we could all use a little grease to get the business wheels turning. Why — that sounds like a job for a Best Of episode…


We’ve panned over 60 episodes for marketing gold to bring you the most memorable highlights and takeaways from the Modern Marketing podcast. From useful tips, tools, and business growth strategies to entertaining, inspirational, and peculiar guests, this medley of memorable moments will get you up to speed on things you forgot, barely remember, and didn’t know at all.


Adam Erhart and his team at Podcast Zen extend our deepest thanks for your continued love and support. We literally couldn’t do this without you. Wishing you the best in 2018 and beyond!


Interview with Dave Rogenmoser of the Entrepreneur Alliance | #016

“If you're yourself and authentic, it works so much better. When I started being more authentic, the right people were really attracted to that. As a marketer, be yourself, take some risks. Be passionate about what you're passionate about and the right people will come to you.”.

Listen to learn more about:

Facebook Ads and marketing, marketing books, launching a business in 5 days, conversion funnels, using stories effectively, mindset, membership sites, authenticity


Click here for the full episode and show notes


Interview with Fitness Business Mentor AJ Rivera | #020

"I remember how impactful mentors in my life have been. It changed my whole life. I'm not here right now if it's not for them."

Listen to learn more about:

Mentors, marketing for fitness professionals, authenticity, simple email autoresponders, selling ethically, high ticket offers, word-of-mouth marketing


Click here for the full episode and show notes



Interview with Webinar Conversion Expert Joel Erway | #022


Joel quit an engineering job to pursue an online business and developed an online course that taught people how to ace job interviews. Then went broke after realizing he was attracting an audience who didn't have money. But then he found webinars.


Listen to learn more about:

Webinars, noteworthy origin stories, handling audience objections, targeting the right market


Click here for full episode and show notes


Interview with Live Streaming Pro Luria Petrucci | #024


Luria put Adam on the spot and forced him to commit to his first live stream. Did he follow through? Did it pay off?


Listen to learn more about:

Effective live stream strategy, overcoming your fear of video and live streaming, Facebook Live, video setup and equipment


Click here for full episode and show notes

How to Write a Bestselling Book with Bestselling Author Corey Gladwell | #030

Growing up, Corey endured a life of negativity, scarcity, and chaos — ultimately creating a ripple effect of other problems. This episode was truly inspirational as he unpacked his path from welfare to bestseller success and all the struggles in between.

"Knowing what to do or having someone to follow is definitely a much easier process."


Listen to learn more about:

The benefits of having a mentor, persevering through struggles, overcoming challenges, writing a bestselling book, mindset, personal growth


Click here for full episode and show notes



Interview with Online Marketer Austin Distel on Authenticity, Connection, and Transparency | #032


“We just thought [using bots] is not on brand and while it might be a little more efficient...I think people respect it more when it's somebody real."


Listen to learn more about: 

Internal and Bot marketing, authenticity and transparency in business


Click here for full episode and show notes



Interview with the Creator of the Millionaire Mindcast Podcast, Matt Aitchison | #038


Adam and Matty A talk about the importance of authenticity in your marketing, how it helps build rapport and trust, and why it’s crucial to the survival of your business — now more than ever.


Listen to learn more about:

Attracting the right people to your business, authenticity, personal and professional growth, creating an elevator pitch, glass door companies, brand and message alignment


Click here for full episode and show notes



Interview with Paul Kortman on YouTube Video Ads | #046

“The next time you’re in Starbucks, pull up a webpage from your website and say ‘Listen I’ll buy your drink, I just wanna ask you a few questions about this webpage.” Ask them to review your content and they’ll give you good, honest feedback.

Listen to learn more about:

Video marketing strategy, YouTube and Facebook Ads tips, alternatives to traditional video ads, SEO strategy, small business lead generation, increasing conversion rates


Click here for full episode and show notes



Interview with Ryan Stewman “The Hardcore Closer” on Sales, Marketing, Funnels, and Confidence | #047


Being blindsided by a few career hits didn’t stop Ryan from seeing opportunity. He’s built multiple six and seven figure businesses and has helped countless entrepreneurs do the same.  In this highlight, Ryan talks about being haunted by his rocky past, how he made the most of a tanking market, and why you shouldn’t talk about it…be about it!


Listen to learn more about:

Taking action, authenticity, content creation, sales funnels, lead generation, talking price with confidence, content creation and syndication, Evernote tips, from struggle to success, getting published on big name websites


Click here for full episode and show notes



Interview with Mark Podolsky, The Land Geek, on Marketing, Real Estate, and Strategy | #051


In this clip, Mark shares a bizarre yet effective marketing strategy to target “toilet sitters” and explains why the phone is the secret to making money online.


Listen to learn more about:

Facebook Ads, transforming haters into advocates, closing with the phone, customer avatar, handling negative Facebook comments, email marketing, lead magnets, “techy, geeky” marketing tips and resources


Click here for full episode and show notes



Success, Head Trash, and Mentors w/ Noah St. John | #056


Noah St. John started his business in a college dorm room with $800 and a book on how to do HTML. Now he transforms people’s lives by helping them overcome the mental obstacles keeping them from achieving their business goals.


In this highlight, he reveals the dangers involved with consuming too much information and why not having a mentor was one his biggest mistakes to date.


Listen to learn more about:

The money/passion myth, help for info-junkies, starting a business when you’re broke, identifying and overcoming mental blocks, how to choose a mentor, business simplification and streamlining


Click here for full episode and show notes



H2H Marketing, Facebook Ads, and the Human Marketing Funnel w/ Bryan Kramer | #057


Bryan explains the value of human interaction in digital marketing and how and where to implement it in your strategies to wow your customers and gain a massive competitive edge.

“In a world of automation, being human is your competitive advantage.”

“In one of my bots that I have running, I have ‘talk to human’ so that you can talk to me anytime.”

Listen to learn more about:

H2H business movement in marketing and social, bots and Facebook Ads, the human marketing funnel, what to humanize and what to automate, Facebook Messenger strategy


Click here for full episode and show notes



Trey Lewellen on Commitment, Focus, and Goals | #058


Trey built a thriving business just to watch it go downhill as a result of losing focus on core aspects of his operation. With a shift in mindset and system implementations, he reversed the damage and soared his business to the next level.


In this clip, Trey unveils a morsel of amusing information about himself and then passively requests we leave it out of the episode. But Adam and the Podcast Zen team opted to have a little fun instead.


Listen to learn more about:

Creating and marketing good offers, overcoming option overload, systems to create business goals, keeping in-house teams focused, doubling revenue goals, leadership, building a massive online following


Click here for full episode and show notes



Interview w/ International Bestselling Author and Founder of Epic Author Publishing Trevor Crane (Part 2) | #060


Trevor goes down as one of Modern Marketing podcasts most entertaining guests in this value packed 2-part series. He’s yet another bold expert who challenged Adam to make a public declaration (see episode 24). It happens to be step one of writing a bestselling book.


In this highlight, you’ll hear Trevor present the challenge, Adam’s comical reaction, and what good — if any — came from his declaration.


Listen to learn more about:

Writing a bestselling book, leveraging books for business growth, converting readers into customers, the Call-Your-Mom strategy, marshmallow passion, mentors, book marketing and publishing


Click here for full episode and show notes



Selling and Scaling with Integrity and Strategy W/ Sean Piket | #061


Another recurring theme throughout the podcast is the significance of humanizing your brand or business.  Sean Piket unpacks the topic nicely in this episode as well as strategic networking, having a servant-leadership attitude and the still very effective marketing tool known as the phone.


“A lot of the new internet marketers come on and want to make all this money through affiliate marketing and never talk to people…they don’t realize the big money involves a conversation.”


Listen to learn more about:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator, social selling, getting more referrals, sales operation, employee onboarding, lead generation, avoiding high turnover rates, scaling, tailored messaging, business mindset


Click here for full episode and show notes


Rapid Scaling, Growth Mindset, and the Fall of Gurus w/ Chris Evans | #062


We anticipated the value Chris Evans of Traffic and Funnels would offer our listeners — and he delivered gold by the boatloads. He gives insight into correcting your belief system in order to transform seemingly unrealistic business goals into reality.


In this clip, Chris speaks on adapting the right mindset by practicing where you want to be and surrounding yourself with the right people. If anything, jot down a few notes on his impeccable and in-depth marketing predictions.


Or you can enjoy the ones we’ve written for you…

Click here for full episode and show notes


Listen to learn more about:

The challenges of rapid growth, the end of Era Guru, getting past mental roadblocks, dangers of undercharging, sophistication levels of the market (Eugene Schwartz concept) and its drastic impact on marketing


From our team to yours, thank you!

You’re invited to dogear this episode and share it with just one person who could benefit from the information.


Audio Engineer - Oleksandr Hedz

Content Manager & Graphics -Deya Aliaga

Organizational Coordinator - Tess Syrowik

Writer - Jonnie Williams