LinkedIn’s advertising platform is the Cinderella of social network marketing —
it’s not for everyone but when the shoe does fit, it can elevate your business to new heights. If you’ve been curious about LinkedIn Ads but don’t know how it works or maybe invested but felt like there was something you weren’t doing right, this episode is for you.


B2Linked is the only agency on the planet solely focused on LinkedIn advertising. In this episode, founder AJ Wilcox unpacks concepts and strategies of LinkedIn Ads and explains how you can leverage them in your advertising campaign to achieve maximum results.


Episode Discussions: Similarities and differences between LinkedIn and Facebook Ads and how to decide which one to use When to invest in LinkedIn ads and when to stick to other platforms LinkedIn Ad’s flaws and weaknesses Rates and cost per clicks Formats and form fields Why B2B targeting is limited on Facebook Lead magnet testing and performance (FB and LI) How to optimize a landing page for LinkedIn conversions (software, colors, images, content, copy) The exact process AJ uses to launch new customers What’s the deal with complicated funnels? LinkedIn Ad bidding tips The free LinkedIn Ads Startup Checklist



AJ's story:

Digital marketer for the last decade

Discovered LinkedIn advertising 5 years ago with amazing results

Started B2Linked after being let go from a former employer



Facebook and LinkedIn platform matchup:

LinkedIn has a monopoly on the best targeting for B2B

Profiles display all the info you care about in B2B space

LinkedIn gives you access to 99% of a company


Facebook has targeting around job title, company size, industry, name but so few people put them in their profiles. Targeting is limited.



The cost of LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn Ads are expensive Facebook: B2B clicks range between $.80 and $1.50 LinkedIn: average cost per click is between $6-$9

"Think of LinkedIn ads as your sniper rifle. Use it to target your highest value leads."


"If you're gonna bag $15k or more from a single deal...LinkedIn ads is a no-brainer."

Also use to increase the lifetime value of a customer.



LinkedIn Ad bidding tips: Start out bidding CPC Bid down



Cold traffic is sent to a raw offer because costs are prohibitive. Lead magnets must offer a ton of value.



Lead Magnet Testing & Performance


Winners: 1-3-page PDF cheat sheets, blueprints, templates So-so: Case studies Not so good: eBooks and white papers


LinkedIn testing

1-page cheat sheet, 28-page eBook, webinar with similar content had similar costs per lead



"It's not necessarily the medium, it's the problem that you're saying you're going to solve."

Concentrate on the offer. Worry about the messaging later.



What’s the deal with complicated funnels?!



Funnels and Retargeting Use LinkedIn to get highly targeted B2B client Drive traffic to a landing page Follow up with Facebook and Google retargeting



LinkedIn Software & Messaging Use the same software you use on other channels Traffic is focused and professional Make ads straight to the point Content on your landing page should be professional and high quality Average conversion rate: 8%-12% for content downloads


“When you're on LinkedIn you're either thinking about your work or your career. When you start offering someone something that augments one of those two, you'll see your conversion rate increase."



AJ’s Process: How to Launch LinkedIn Ads Create or get access to your company page Create or get access to your LinkedIn Ads account Place the LinkedIn Insight tag (universal pixel) on your website Set up conversions Gather imagery Figure out your target audience



AJ breaks down #7 & #8 of the process as well as imagery and ad copy.



Ad images performing well: Comic strips Illustrations Stock photos



AJ’s takeaways: Always start bidding CPC (cheaper than CPM up until 1% CTR) Bid down unless you have a massive budget and need volume Spend time on the title of your content offer



Formats and form fields Text ads: 100% of traffic is from desktops so you can ask for more information. Sponsored content: 70% will come from mobile so limit form fields. Quick tip: Include a LinkedIn autofill button on your landing page (note: may only be available to select accounts)
Connect With AJ  - Download the free LinkedIn Ads Startup Checklist    

Twitter: @WilcoxAJ


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