As part of my Professional Development Committee duties I volunteer to monitor some of the classes that are offered at our local Realtor Association.  Last week I had the pleasure to sit in on 2 days of GRI 100 classes being taught by Ms Patti Ketchum who is a Florida Realtors Instructor out of Tallahassee and someone with great experiences that really made the class fun.

While I was in class and we were discussing the Code of Ethics, the document that separates us from common real estate agents, I began thinking..."How many Realtors have actually read the code of ethics, start to finish?  Of those how many understand it? Of those how many have a solid handle on how it should be interpreted in our new social market?

As we discussed the 17 articles and all of their Standards of Practice (SOP) I realized that Article 12 which deals mostly with the marketing side of things, when explained to the class there was no mention of social media, or online marketing.  The examples were mostly about signs and postcards.

So if it isn't being brought up in classes....are our agents, new and seasoned being made aware of the pitfalls and potentially harmful situations that may arise when using new systems.

Are we taking the time to learn the contract and addenda being used in our markets?  I mean really taking the time to learn the contracts?  Do you take the time to sit down with your clients and walk them through the contract so that THEY understand what they are signing?

I hear too often that we as Realtors are concerned about Zillow or some algorithm replacing us yet many of us are not willing to put in the time to make sure we are educated enough to provide the level of service our clients and customer want and deserve.

Let's continue the discussion on the Modern Agent Podcast Facebook page.

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Our host Rick Gonzalez is a Realtor with REAL Brokerage LLC in the NW Florida Panhandle, and Team Leader of the Anchor Here Group.  Rick is a US Navy Veteran.  Rick also founded The Freeport Insider, a local community on social media helping to support his small but rapidly growing community.  Rick has also served as the Vice President of his local Freeport Merchants Association helping educate, market and support the local business in his market.  Rick is a Son, Husband to his wonderfully supportive and beautiful wife Katrina, and Father to 3 amazing kids Olivia, Alexzander and Hannah.

You can find Rick online at:

@modernagentpodcast on IG