I dont know what it is about this week.  Maybe all of the amazing feedback from my friends that attended Agent 2021 last week.  Maybe it was the recent 4 hour coffee chat with a local agent.  Maybe it's hearing all of the horrible advice being spewed across social media in real estate groups.  It might be the stories of agents running out of money and leaving the business after buying every short cut and shiny object available and not making it happen.

All I know is during my prep for my upcoming class I am teaching on "Social Media Marketing 101" for Realtors I ran across a Gary Vaynerchuk key note where he discusses "EFFORT" . I play the clip in todays episode but here is the link to the full video...good shit!  You should watch it!


What we can learn from this clip and hopefully from my rant is that we as Realtors need to understand what makes those of us successful.  Its not the tech, website, apps, CRM, or the car you drive.  It's YOU! 

In this episode I also give a shout out to Neil Mathweg and Nate Smoyer for being recognized as 2 of the top podcasts for tech savvy real estate agents in 2019!  If you are not following these guys you can find them and more like them at http://industrysyndicate.com

If you got some value out of today's show we would love it if you would subscribe and come back for more great info.  If you like what we are doing and really want to show your support please give us a rating and a review, that would be awesome! 

Thanks - see you next week!

Our host Rick Gonzalez is a Realtor with REAL Brokerage LLC in the NW Florida Panhandle, and Team Leader of the Anchor Here Group.  Rick is a US Navy Veteran.  Rick also founded The Freeport Insider, a local community on social media helping to support his small but rapidly growing community.  Rick has also served as the Vice President of his local Freeport Merchants Association helping educate, market and support the local business in his market.  Rick is a Son, Husband to his wonderfully supportive and beautiful wife Katrina, and Father to 3 amazing kids Olivia, Alexzander and Hannah.

You can find Rick online at:


@modernagentpodcast on IG