Hey everybody. Welcome to this episode of the Mindshare Mindcast. Oh boy, today we've got a supercharged, literally supercharged episode with you. As Founder and President of the Human Communications Institute, our next guest has helped thousands of people, I'm among one of those, transform their lives through his signature events, audio seminars and one-on-one coaching - and combining his natural talent as a communicator, and you'll hear for yourself what that's like.

His deep understanding and motivation and a powerful ability to tap into virtually anyone's desire to succeed. He's unlocked the mysteries to building your charisma and your influence and your persuasion, and even better connections with each other. By creating and utilizing his Human Interaction Technology of which I am a certified practitioner, I'm happy to say he's got some innovative teaching methods and will really help shed the light on subliminal psychological triggers that affect performance at all levels. And he'll even give you some strategies that will really let you leave the average life behind. The result for you is going to be greater financial wealth, better physical health and more importantly, I think lasting confidence in all aspects of your life, both personal and professional. Michael Bernoff, welcome to the Mindshare Mindcast.