You know, inside every one of us is this feeling that just won't go away. It's that internal knowing that we're really meant for more. I mean, Lisa Sasevich has had that feeling, but she used it to propel her life to a life of abundance and contribution even beyond her wildest dreams. Lisa went from being fired from her dream job the night before Christmas Eve to building a home-based business that generated over $40 million in sales, all with two young kids in tow. Lisa's known by many as the queen of sales conversion and has taught over 15,000 mission-driven entrepreneurs in over 134 different countries how to sell without ever being pushy or salesy. And today, Lisa is here to share what she calls her meant for more formula so that you can use the tools that she's discovered to own your own unique value and make more money of course, but most importantly, make the difference that you know that you are here to make.