Benjamin Franklin famously said “...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Sometimes, I wonder of those aren’t the same thing.  You know the feeling.  April 15th is coming up, and you feel that knot in your stomach as you worry about getting your taxes done right while stressing over how little of your money you actually kept.

But, hey - if you’re an entreprenuer, it’s not as bad as it looks, right? You just work harder and make more.

Have you ever said that? Be honest.

What if there was a different way to look at your money - one that really helped you prioritize your use of cash in ways that resulted in keeping more - potentially way more - and stressing a whole lot less.

While death is certain, taxes don’t need to be bad or scary, and when you get it dialed in - like the wealth people do and they hire experts to do - you can do substantially better, and ultimately, create wealth - way faster than most people can.

I don’t know about you, but taxes have always stressed me out. And to be honest, I didn’t really enjoy dealing with the numbers. I’d much rather create things than deal with the money side. And my results showed that. Then one day I met today’s guest, who demystified taxes, financial planning and gave me hope that at then 54, I could still hit my financial goals. That’s the good news.  The bad news - once I learned the strategies he taught me, I realized that - had I met him 10 years prior, today, I’d likely have tripled my investment accounts by now. 

Our guest today is Garret Gunderson. He’s the founder of Wealth Factory and Garrett has advised JJ, myself and several members of our community on strategies that completely changed the way we looked at taxes and legally keeping more of what we make - and not just from tax savings.

If you’d like to have more money without working harder this year, then turn up the volume and enjoy this episode of the Mindshare Mindcast that will actually pay for itself … and some ...