In the age of instant fixes, unlimited digital madness, stressful jobs, social media anxiety, mid-life crisis and this pandemic now. Each one us crave for peace of mind. "Peace of Mind is the New Rich". Working on your mental wellbeing now is super important than before.

As super busy humans that we are nowadays, we are constantly looking for answers in the external world. But the answer to finding peace of mind is internal. It is a lot of internal work that needs to be done. You get peace of mind within your own self. You are the answer. 

Tune into this podcast episode to learn a few practical steps to find your peace of mind. To achieve anything, it does take efforts. I hope to educate you on this through my personal journey of understanding what exactly peace of mind is and why is it important for our wellbeing. 

Find more of my everyday wellness and mindfulness tips on my Instagram profile: