Two people had their separate lives changed, irreversibly, in an instant, by devastating events…but rather than be destroyed, they used those events as turning points to greater realities. They were given second chances “Living A Fantastic Life,” and they discovered “13 golden pearls: The Secrets to Living A Fantastic Life” along the way to guide them…which they are eager to share with you – to help you with your journey. Dr. Allen Lycka is a practicing Doctor and speaker, recently being featured in a TedX talk. Harriet Tinka is a former runway model and now an enthusiastic athlete.

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Contact Info
Book: The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life by Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka
13 Pearls Hotline: 18197172515

Most Influential Person
Dr. Allen Lycka: “My wife has made me more mindful than anybody else”

Effect on Emotions
Harriet Tinka: “Mindfulness helped me to have balance in my life.”

Thoughts on Breathing
Dr. Allen Lycka: “It's interesting how breathing is such an important thing that we do. not take into account. If you learn how to breathe properly, it really helps.”

Suggested Resources
Book: The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life by Dr. Allen Lycka and Harriet Tinka
Book: Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
App: n/a

Bullying Story
Harriet Tinka: “I do go to a lot of schools and I often encounter bullying and a lot of name-calling among students. What I often do is get toothpaste and I'll have them take it out and put it back in and they will say they can't do it. I told them, words are powerful and whatever you say has an impact on another person.”
“With mindfulness, you have to understand how to deal with the bullying and I have a system called the WITS program.”