Rachael Jackson is all about building relationships. She is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, a former Army Captain and Apache helicopter pilot. Rachael holds a degree in Engineering Physics with a minor in Nuclear Engineering, but found her passion in entrepreneurship and helping connect people to a more meaningful life. Rachael is the founder of the Tribal app, launching May 2020. She raised 2 million dollars for the Tribal project and validated it with 2,500 users with a 95% retention rate.

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iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify
Contact Info
Company: Tribal App
Website: TribalApp.com
LinkedIn: racheljackson03

Most Influential Person
Dr. Janell MacAulay, Retired Airforce Pilot

Effect on Emotions
“Mindfulness has helped me regulate my emotions and not be ruled by it.”

Thoughts on Breathing
“Breathing and walking kind of helps me clear my mind.”
“It helped me with the initial stress with the training we go through.”

Suggested Resources
Book: The Bible
App: Tribal App

Bullying Story
“I can say without a doubt that I have been bullied and I have been the bully at times.”
“With mindfulness, I've grown and learned over time is just how unhappy I was with myself and trying to have compassion for others and how unhappy they might be.”

Related Episodes
487 Build Better Relationships With Bryan Falchuk
Relationship Health During The Pandemic; Roman Mironov
324 Finding Peace From Your Hijackal Relationships; Dr. Rhoberta Shaler

Free Gift

Get the ‘Sleep Naturally' Guided Meditation by Bruce Langford. A night of deep sleep is yours to enjoy. Sleep naturally and fall asleep easily. Drift off to sleep with a calm, gentle voice. Rest comfortably, without effort. Click here: www.MindfulnessMode.com/Sleep