Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D., is an author, an award-winning professor of Counseling and Family Therapy at California State University, Northridge, and a practicing psychotherapist. Some of her areas of specialty are Buddhist psychology, sexual abuse, gender, relationships, mental health recovery, qualitative research, and education in family therapy and counseling. Diane also teaches mindfulness for kids. Her research has been featured in newspapers, radio shows, and television worldwide. In her new book, Mindfulness for Chocolate Lovers, Dr. Gehart combines wit, wisdom, and a touch of sweetness to help you uncover playful ways to transform any aspect of your life.

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Contact Info
Website: DianeGehart.com, MindfulSchool.net
Book: Mindfulness for Chocolate Lovers

Most Influential Person
The Dalai Lama

Effect on Emotions
“It helped me to find peace even in really difficult situations that I've been through.”
“It changed how I relate to my emotions entirely.”

Thoughts on Breathing
“Just focusing on my breathing has beconme this sanctuary where I can find peace in the middle of very hectic days.”

Suggested Resources
Book: Mindfulness for Chocolate Lovers
Book: Peace is Every Step
App: Insight Timer, Headspace

Free Gift

Join the FREE Inspirational Leadership Summit. With over 35 speakers, experts on topics like Emotional Intelligence and being a top leader. Including Dorie Clark, Michael Neeley, Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and I'll be a speaker there too. Go to www.MindfulnessMode.com/ILS