Jim Stavis is a triple organ transplant survivor. He was diagnosed at age 17 with Juvenile diabetes; his early diagnosis served to motivate him to take action towards success in business and in life. He started a business, got married and had a family knowing that he may not live past age 50. In his 40’s it became apparent he would need a rare triple organ transplant to replace his heart, kidney and pancreas. Now, 14 years later, Jim promotes organ donation and has developed a true understanding of how to overcome great adversity. He has written a book about it called ‘When Hope Is Your Only Option’, is a frequent speaker and is also featured in a documentary called Source Of Hope.

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Contact Info
Website: JimStavis.com
Blog: http://www.jimstavis.com/jimspeaks
Book: When Hope is Your Only Option

Most Influential Person
His wife

Effect on Emotions
“I don't have the fear that I once did and it made me resilient.”
“It has given me a great perspective in terms of what I've been able to accomplish and the impact I've made on others

Thoughts on Breathing
“It's not breathing per se, I'm very aware of my heart because of my health.”
“To me, it signifies life.”

Suggested Resources
Book: The Alchemist
Book: When Hope is Your Only Option
App: n/a

Free Gift

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