Today I am interviewing Bill Perkins, the author of "Die With Zero". Bill is so wise in the approach that he takes going from hedge fund management, to writing his book, and too inspiring, you know, tens of thousands if not more in his practices, in his way of life and what you can do to implement these strategies in your own life. Enjoy...

This conversation about optimizing fulfillment in your life is one that you are going to probably listen to several times because Bill is sharing with us how he has taken his life and ask important questions of himself, and, of his readers that dive into his book of what does it mean to be living an optimized life. How do you do that? How can you think about not just bucket list but like - how can you think about what are you here to experience and making sure that you're actually engaged in choices that bring those experiences into reality.

He is "The Last Cowboy" according to the Wall Street Journal, Bill Perkins is one of the world's most successful hedge fund managers and entrepreneurs. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Iowa, Bill trained on Wall Street and later moved to Houston, TX where he made a fortune as an energy trader. Perkins is currently the CEO of BrisaMax Holdings, a consulting services firm based in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

He said he thought deeply about how much is enough which is a concept in a book - "What does 'enough' mean to me? and when? It's not just how much you have, it's when you have it and when you deploy it. And, that's for every income level. Whether you have ten dollars or ten million dollars - optimal spending your resources will lead to a more fulfilling life"...

To learn more about Bill Perkins:

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