While moving through nature, we have the opportunity to enter a state of being, be present with all of our sensations, and awaken gratitude for the Earth that is also part of us. So, take this moment to connect with the breath as Georgina Miranda, social entrepreneur, outdoor adventurer, speaker, writer, and mindful leadership expert guides you in a meditation for gratitude in nature. This meditation is a web extra for the December 2022 issue of Mindful magazine, on newsstands now or on mindful.org.

Show Notes

Find more from Georgina Miranda here:


“Gratitude for the Lousy Ingrate”

More from Georgina on mindful.org

And more from Mindful here:

The December 2022 issue of Mindful magazine: The Self-Love Issue

More episodes of 12 Minute Meditation

The Real Mindful Podcast

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