Julie and Michelle enjoy a glass of wine as they reflect on last week’s episode featuring Ann Dowsett Johnston, a recovering alcoholic who raises some alarming concerns about rising rates of women developing alcohol addictions. They chat about drinking culture, self-medicating with alcohol, their own drinking habits, gender differences related to alcohol use, the ways marketers promote drinking to women and why we should be talking about this issue more. They also discuss recent mental health headlines including Demi Lovato and Janet Jackson opening up about their mental health struggles and World Health Organization (WHO) changes related to video game addictions and transgender people.

Resources mentioned:  

Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol by Ann Dowsett Johnston

Demi Lovato Reveals She Relapsed After Six Years in New Song 'Sober': 'I'm Only Human' – People magazine

Janet Jackson reveals the secret to her happiness – Essence magazine

Heather Locklear reportedly hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation – Los Angeles Times

WHO declares compulsive video gaming as addictive behaviour disorder – CBC

Transgender people no longer considered mentally ill by World Health Organization – Huffington Post Canada

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