On this week’s episode Julie talks to Ann Dowsett Johnston, bestselling author of Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol. Ann is a journalist who spent most of her career at Maclean’s magazine before taking on the role vice-principal of McGill University in 2006. From the outside looking in, Ann appeared to have it all together. But behind closed doors she was battling an addiction to alcohol that would ultimately unravel everything and land her in rehab. Now 10 years sober, she’s raising some alarming concerns about increased rates of binge drinking and alcohol abuse among women – particularly educated and professional working mothers who are under a lot of stress.

Connect with Ann Dowsett Johnston:


Resources mentioned:

Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol Addictions Treatment Helplines in Canada
The Jean Tweed Centre for Women & Their Families
Alcoholics Anonymous - A.A. Near You

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