Ep 055: Relationships are deeply woven into our experience on this planet. From the day we are born, we’re completely dependent on someone else.
You’ve probably heard that our relationships are mirrors. I’ve always thought of this as a way of saying: How you see other people is a reflection of how you see yourself.
But at another angle, your relationships with other people are your opportunity to experience yourself and to grow. When you’re in it, the growth can be hard to see. It’s actually most often in hindsight that we realize what we learned. But the more you shift your mindset to awareness in your relationships, you start to experience it in real time.
Our guest today is Bryanna Dee and she understands what it feels like to let her relationships define her life. From a difficult childhood and a complicated relationship with her parents, to traumatic breakup.
She was so concerned with trying to be the person she thought she was supposed to be that she was totally disconnected from herself, and as a result, also from others. Eventually through allowing herself to be seen and seeing herself through a new lens, she began to discover who she really is. The more connected she became to herself, the more comfortable she became opening up to others and the more connected she became with everything else in the world.
Today we will learn:

How to go from losing yourself to finding yourself in relationships

How to approach relationships for your growth

How to have compassion even when you don’t understand someone

Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/055 

Ep 055: Relationships are deeply woven into our experience on this planet. From the day we are born, we’re completely dependent on someone else.

You’ve probably heard that our relationships are mirrors. I’ve always thought of this as a way of saying: How you see other people is a reflection of how you see yourself.

But at another angle, your relationships with other people are your opportunity to experience yourself and to grow. When you’re in it, the growth can be hard to see. It’s actually most often in hindsight that we realize what we learned. But the more you shift your mindset to awareness in your relationships, you start to experience it in real time.

Our guest today is Bryanna Dee and she understands what it feels like to let her relationships define her life. From a difficult childhood and a complicated relationship with her parents, to traumatic breakup.

She was so concerned with trying to be the person she thought she was supposed to be that she was totally disconnected from herself, and as a result, also from others. Eventually through allowing herself to be seen and seeing herself through a new lens, she began to discover who she really is. The more connected she became to herself, the more comfortable she became opening up to others and the more connected she became with everything else in the world.

Today we will learn:

How to go from losing yourself to finding yourself in relationships
How to approach relationships for your growth
How to have compassion even when you don’t understand someone

Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/055