Ep 044: Today our guest is Evin Rose Lipman, a love and dating coach. She guides and supports women in creating empowered dating lives and dreamy relationships.
This episode will be fun because you’re going to get both sides of the coin… You have Evin who is still out there rocking the dating scene which is great because although I’ve only been married a few years, I don’t know what dating is like anymore. That shit changes so fast. And then you’ll get the perspective from the married woman. Me. And I consider my relationship extremely successful. Who woulda thought. Even my friends notice it. I somehow scored the perfect husband and I love him so much and I am told that the dynamic of our relationship is inspiring to our friends.
So today today Evin and I are going to help you conquer love.
Today we will learn:

How to get in alignment with what you’re looking for in a partner

The biggest ways we get in our own way in dating

Preparing your energy to meet and connect with someone

Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/044 

Ep 044: Today our guest is Evin Rose Lipman, a love and dating coach. She guides and supports women in creating empowered dating lives and dreamy relationships.

This episode will be fun because you’re going to get both sides of the coin… You have Evin who is still out there rocking the dating scene which is great because although I’ve only been married a few years, I don’t know what dating is like anymore. That shit changes so fast. And then you’ll get the perspective from the married woman. Me. And I consider my relationship extremely successful. Who woulda thought. Even my friends notice it. I somehow scored the perfect husband and I love him so much and I am told that the dynamic of our relationship is inspiring to our friends.

So today today Evin and I are going to help you conquer love.

Today we will learn:

How to get in alignment with what you’re looking for in a partner
The biggest ways we get in our own way in dating
Preparing your energy to meet and connect with someone

Show Notes: https://mindlove.com/044