Special thanks to our sponsor The 2018 Virtual Hypnosis Convention. CLICK HERE for more info and to support the show!

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Roger discusses his work with people suffering from end of life medical conditions, like cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s and helping them and their families Mind Flip past the trauma of the diagnosis.  He shares tips on hypnosis, his own personal struggles and the strategies he uses to help those facing the discomfort of death.

Roger Moore is a Certified Counselor and Registered Hypnotherapist specializing in the terminally ill. In addition to 9 years of actual course work including studies in hypnosis, nutrition, pain management, autoimmune diseases, psychology, counseling, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Roger has trained in drug and alcohol counseling, studied Transactional Analysis, Adlerian Theory, Reiki and attended countless trainings and seminars.


Show Notes:

4:53 Roger’s personal Mind Flipping Story: Emotional Eating & Skeptical Hypnosis Client

8:16 The Food Mindset Mind Flip

9:55 How to do Self Hypnosis

10:58 Always in trance never not in trance

13:12 The Drug Overdose Hotline

15:01 From Criminal Justice to Counseling

17:43 How Roger’s journey to working with end of life clients started with Alzheimer’s

21:20 Client Mind Flipping Story: Mindfulness and Comfort in the Last Hours

23:33 Dr. Dan Nightingale

23:53 Hope Coaching & HypnoThoughts Live

24:41 Moving past the trauma of a terminal illness diagnosis

25:50 Client Mind Flipping Story: The 4 Year Old Motivation

29:01 Roger’s Phrase of the Day

31:21 Roger’s Get of Out Jail Free card says…

33:09 CLICK HERE to Get Orange Blossom FREE

For information about Roger’s private practice, CLICK HERE

For information on how hypnosis can help you, CLICK HERE

To learn about Roger’s training courses, CLICK HERE