In this bonus track, I speak again 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion Wade T. Lightheart who was spotlighted previously in episode 27 of Mind Flipping as he shares a morning routine that combines  progressive muscle relaxation with breathing exercises in order to start his day with increased focus, relaxation, and awareness. By completing this short mindfulness technique each morning, you can begin your day with mindful meditation that will both relax you and increase your energy levels, allowing you to maximize your potential right from the start of your day.  Learn how to use tension in order to relieve tension as Wade details his quick and easy relaxation and awareness technique!


Wade is a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, Advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute, Director of Education at BiOptimizers Nutrition, Founder of the Prosperity & Health Alliance, Enagic Master Trainer. He is also the author of  several books, including best-selling books Staying Alive in a Toxic World and The Wealthy Backpacker. Wade is also the host of The Awesome Health Podcast.


As a reminder,  access Wade’s 12 week Awesome Health Course for FREE!  In order to maximize your health, energy, and focus.


If you enjoyed this bonus track, be sure to check out Wade’s full feature, episode 27, and listen to other tips and tricks to flip your mind for a more positive, focused, and relaxed lifestyle.


As always, feel free to contact me, Rick Paddock, with any comments or questions (and reviews!) of my show. I would love to hear from you as you continue to flip your mind and become a more positive, mindful, and relaxed person!