Values are extremely important. They help us make choices among many alternatives. When we feel lost, disconnected, or confused, values can reorient us back to what matters. By clarifying our core values, we have a clearer sense of who we truly want to be, and what we want to stand for. Values are the selection criteria for action. 


In this episode I walk us through a values clarification exercise by sharing an example of someone I admire, Pat Tillman. By identifying the personal qualities of people we admire, we can get clear about our own values. Tune in as I walk you through this powerful exercise to help you get clarity on your own values.


Looking to further your mindfulness practice? Check out the Mental Events mindfulness journal. It’s dedicated to examining the workability of the mind’s proposed solutions to problems, and offers an opportunity to step back from giving over your life to negative thoughts.


As always, we’d like to hear from you. Send your questions via email - [email protected]. Connect with Mental Events on social media and share your comments about the show on Instagram @mentalevents, and on Facebook @mentaleventstherapy.


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