How present were you with yourself and surroundings yesterday? When we purposely choose to make contact with the present moment, we offer ourselves a way to be fluid with the world and with ourselves, versus nailing ourselves down to the contents of our thoughts and feelings. Building a mindfulness practice that lasts starts by simply remembering to remember to make contact with what is presently happening.


Tune in, and learn how to make contact.


Looking to further your mindfulness practice? Check out the Mental Events mindfulness journal. It’s dedicated to examining the workability of the mind’s proposed solutions to problems, and offers an opportunity to step back from giving over your life to negative thoughts.


As always, we want to hear from you. Send your questions via email - [email protected]. Connect with Mental Events on social media and share your comments about the show on Instagram @mentalevents, and on Facebook @mentaleventstherapy. Use the hashtag #mentalevents to join in on the conversation.