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Get your customised macros plan right here yes even if you’re too busy to eat healthy

No time to eat healthy? but some how you find the time to order Doordash, Jack in the box, Drive to Chic-Fil-a right? The truth? You make time for the things you WANT to make time for, and if your health is not a priority for you, then you'll always find someone or something to go above your health.

If you are not a priority for YOU nothing I say will change that, until you WANT to be a proporty for yoruself, and then ASK for help to continually make yourself a priority

Women, work, and weight [00:00:00]
Common excuse of not having time to eat healthy or lose weight and why you NEED to  prioritise your self-care.

Tracking macros and making weight loss easier [00:01:37]
Tracking macros can be a simple and effective approach to weight loss and have other  benefitd in other aspects of your life.

Balancing work, family, and personal life [00:02:35]
The challenges of balancing work responsibilities, family duties, and personal time, and how it can impact how you lose weight and overall well-being.

The emotional impact of choices [00:08:17]
Frustration, disappointment, and self-doubt in weight loss journey, you can choose to stay in this place OR you can change it.

Managing time and nutrition [00:09:08]
Yes YOU can still manage to lose weight by partnering with a coach and prioritising nutrition on your own even if you're busy.

Customisation and transparency [00:09:59]

Ready to make yourself a priority? Ready to stop being the martyr for everything and everyone else and find YOU?

Get your custom macros plan here. Where you’ll learn how to stop Stress eating when work and life gets crazy

Next steps:

Book your FREE Coaching call with me here

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Got a question:
 [email protected]

Together I’ll help you get results that last

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🙋🏾‍♀️ Ready For Coaching: Applications for 1:1 coaching are now open apply HERE

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