One of THE MOST frequent questions I answer is this one, maybe you've even asked this same question yourself at one time or another.

Picture this, you're working out every day, in a calorie deficit, you haven't ‘cheated’, but you can't understand why you're not losing weight and you question yourself by asking, "what am I doing wrong?"

Firstly, it's not your fault, and this is something that I teach both in my group coaching and 1:1 coaching in more depth working on and through the things that cause you to doubt your efforts and also working through the self sabotage mindsets, however, when it comes to calories though, this is where it gets a bit tricky.

‘Calories in’ are fairly simple in itself, and needs no introduction, it’s when it comes to calories OUT is where its multilayered and can often times be a bit more complicated than its often portrayed to be, which is why you ask "what am I doing wrong" 

Now in this episode we go deep into some of the reasons why your weight loss has appear to come to a stand still, and what you can do to shift things into gear and get things moving.

This isn't an exhaustive list, but it's a few of the most common reasons.  In the next episode we'll discuss this extensive topic in more detail. 

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