Are you killing it in the gym or at home your nutrition is ok, but...

The scales aren’t shifting, it’s been 4 weeks of this

You’re feeling super proud of yourself & so you should, you’ve taken those fears and CRUSHED them

So you up the anti & go harder than you’ve ever done...

But what makes it worse is:

✅ You’re super exhausted
✅ Stress is through the roof
✅ Excruciating pain in your ankles
✅ inflammation
✅ 😴 is a distant memory
✅ You take a painkiller & keep moving
✅ Work is crazy BUSY
✅ You don’t eat your first meal until 2pm
✅ Juggling Mum life, school, home, is taking its toll but you gotta keep going who else is hold to do it?

One HONEST question to ask yourself is, is this taking you closer to or away from your goals?

If the answer comes back as it’s taking you nowhere, then CHNAGE it

Yup. You have the power to make the change. If you want to SEE change. BE the change YOU want to see

Your body is TELLING you that it NEEDS rest. TAKE. A. BREAK from

❌ Worrying you’ll lose your progress
❌ Worrying that if you eat MORE especially if you’re not getting enough nutrients, because you think you’re going to gain it all back. There are ways you can eat more. Enjoy more & still meet your goals
❌ Worrying if you add carbs back into your diet, ti isn’t going to make you gain the weight you’ve lost

In this episode we address some of the signs that you can tell if you’re indeed doing too much exercise which I turn is affecting the results you have.

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If you liked this episode don’t forget to share, subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, p.s if you need help to reverse diet if you’ve been training too much and not eating enough head on over to the website to sign up for my 1:1 nutrition coaching program
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