In the second episode of the
The Diet Mentality Series,

I talk about this ever popular ways of eating, that both men and women are adopting in a way for them to lose weight, and to lose it quickly!

In this episode you will learn whether the 1200 calorie diet is suitable for every woman, and why this is the case for some women and not for others, and why 1200 calories is not a blanket rule to lose weight, yet so many have been led to believe that this is is for everyone.

Do you find yourself sharing that you don't fell as if you've lost that much weight, you're in a calorie deficit and you felt great as you've lost the weight, but now it's just stopped and you don't know why, or what to do, and you question, should you create less of a deficit, and look through your breakfast lunch and dinner and see where you can slash more calories to continue losing weight. 

Do you find yourself in a one way monologue with yourself saying " the book said, to lose weight I need to be a in a deficit and the diet plan will help me do that, so I can't understand what's going wrong, is it me.

You weigh yourself every,single,day and the scales have changed and say that you've put on 5lbs overnight and you instantly want to throw away the scales at this point, the words in your head are now racing, you're like I don;t get it, I'm doing loads of things I haven't cheated once, why have I put the weight back on?

We go over and over these questions in our minds and friends its Exhausting, your friends family's and partners begin to share concern because they notice that you've become a little obsessed with counting calories, or exercise and they don't know what to say or how to support you.
These are all things that I cover in today's episode

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