Part one of this series covered what you should do before a meeting. In episode #051, we move to part 2, which covers what you should do during a meeting to become the best facilitator possible.

Actions taken before and after a meeting tend to be less complex, since these steps are generally completed on your own time without unexpected events throwing off the flow. During the meeting, however, there are the potential distractions and employee personalities to consider, and many more instances where plans can go awry. 

Questions 6-12 of the checklist we began in part one arms you with the tools required to overcome challenges you'll face during a meeting as its facilitator:

Why should you greet each person as they arrive? How will you be introduced, and how will you establish credibility? Why should you explain the agenda at the beginning of the meeting? Why have each person introduce themselves and say why they are present? How will you help people disagree productively? How will you keep the energy up during the meeting? Why should you summarize ideas frequently and praise people?

The answers will provide a much clearer picture of what to keep in mind as you engage employees as a meeting facilitator.  In Part 3, we’ll cover the best actions to take after the meeting is adjourned to make sure you’ve covered every base.

For more information or a transcript of episode #051, visit: