Preparation is an imperative for meeting leaders who want to get the absolute most out of every discussion.

A well-planned agenda is a necessary tool to stay the course in any meeting, and it's a basic understanding among leaders to focus on making sure the schedule flows along to cover all points. However, the most experienced meeting leaders know that a layer of potential mishaps can occur that derail even the most thorough agenda. 

Episode #052 of the Meeting Leadership Podcast will ask the important practical questions that separate facilitators who are capable from those who are exceptional. These will include questions about the state of the meeting environment, the technical concerns, and items related to the comfort of attendees.

If you'd like to see the questions in print, visit the recap section of this episode’s transcript for a list of all 13 questions, which you can use as part of preparation checklist for all future meetings.  The transcript and show notes can be found at: