The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."

-Carl Gustav Jung
Mindfulness Affirmations - Reclaiming Yourself

#reclaim #love # desires # worthy #inwards # breath #uniqueness #brave #grow #today #comfortable #quiet #embrace #belongs #power #free #moment #trust #strong

Mindfulness Affirmations - Reclaiming Yourself 

I am more than my weakest moment 

Today I choose to embrace and allow Time to stand still. Time still will enable us to open our minds and heart and reclaim the power we gave away. Only Time will permit us to embrace our feelings and grow comfortable enough to see and accept our true selves fully. The path leading to self-acceptance is long and takes compassion and patience. Time is gifting you today; learn how to walk with yourself. Time invested will grant you the knowledge of seeing how truly great you are just as you are.  

You are the most trustworthy source of peace 

My peace belongs only to me 

I am free to share my love 

Today I am building a stronger self 

I am responsible for my security 

I assume control and ownership of my feelings 

I have the power to control reactions 

I face my needs as they appear 

I am free from past emotions

I am worthy 

I am clear about who I am 

I fit me to my desires 

I will never compromise my uniqueness

I hold my feelings of self very close 

I am responsible for my actions 

I confront the worst in me to grow 

I tolerate discomfort for growth

I am worthy of my self-love 

I know my power to love is brave

I am strong enough to be brave 

I am not afraid to see my fears

You are your deepest desire; trust in yourself to free those desires to drive your intention. Your will and intent will become your destiny.  

Lean inward and let yourself be loved by yourself. 

Know you deserve love, you are worthy of love, you are capable of love; when you don't experience the evidence of being loved, love yourself first, and the world will come to you.  

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."

-Carl Gustav Jung