The flu had me miss last week! But this week, I am energized, back on and NOT tired at all! Even though I’m behind, even though my whole family (including me!) was physically sick, I am not tired and today, I am going to teach you the secret to never saying that you’re tired again ever!

In this episode we will learn:
~Why saying that you’re tired actually creates exhaustion
~The benefits of not complaining
~All is well~ A Meditation on wellness

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“Complaining about being tired, or about anything at all, makes it worse 100% of the time.” -Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW

The Host for this podcast:
Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW
The Stress Therapist and Author

Twitter: @stresstherapy
Instagram: @thestresstherapist

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Want Cheri Flake to be your therapist? If you live in Georgia go to this link:
to schedule a free 15 minute consultation

Follow Cheri Flake on GoodReads:
Cheri Augustine Flake (Author of Honey Do to Honey DONE!)

Buy Cheri's book: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging!

A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW:
Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media and you can always go to to find out about meditation retreats and yoga retreats and other offerings.

Time Stamps/Chapters:
00:00 Introduction to getting energized and never saying you’re tired again, ever!
00:32 Trailer
01:16 Intro to Season 5~Seasonal Stress therapy
02:35 How complaints work in your brain
06:01 How complaining about being tired effects other people in your life
09:16 What if you never said you were tired again? Ever?
11:20 Meditation and Yoga retreats with the stress therapist
11:35 A solid idea to become energized instead of tired
12:44 How meditation is the cure for being tired
13:05 Guidance into “All is Well” Meditation
16:08 Binaural Beats Alpha
23:25 Guidance out of meditation
25:42 Closing Remarks
27:04 Outro