About Lauren Nelson Ludwig: Lauren struggled for 16 years with unexplainable autoimmune issues and when she went to the doctor, they said everything “looked normal”, and that maybe she just needed more sleep. 

She took healing into her own hands, went back to school, and learned everything she could about blood work and the emotional side of healing. This led her to get certified as a health consultant, blood work specialist,  and MBSR™ practitioner.

Lauren believes that the key to solving patient health concerns lies not only in taking the right lab tests, but knowing how to interpret the results all while releasing stored emotions.


In this episode Adam and Lauren discuss:

Why you should get your bloodwork checked?Take a look at your environment and get out of the moldLow-grade infectionsEat whole foods.


Key Takeaways: 

It is important to get your blood work checked if you feel like crap even though your bloodwork has always been told that it is "normal". The test involves checking for heavy metals, mold, and other environmental toxins, or checking if you have parasites, all of which can help you discover the root cause of your health problems.People are exposed to mold on a daily basis, so make sure you look at your surroundings as your environment can play a huge role in your health, and get rid of this mold to live a healthier life.Millions of viruses can cause low-grade infections and different health issues, so make sure to have your bloodwork checked - normal doesn't mean optimal.Eat vegetables, fruits, avoid processed foods, and avoid gluten as much as possible. Consider the ingredients in the food you eat, and if you can't pronounce them, don't eat them.


"Go through your bloodwork, make sure your vitamin D is good, make sure your iron is good, make sure you don't have any of these low-grade infections. And just by fixing a few of those things, you're going to be feeling like a completely different person.” - Lauren Nelson Ludwig



Connect with Lauren Nelson Ludwig:

Website: https://www.medellahealing.com/

Instagram: http://instagram.com/medellahealing

Tiktok: http://tiktok.com/medellahealing

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/508975247886721


Connect With Adam Weber:

Website: https://meditationnotmedicine.com/about/

Email: [email protected]   

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easytomeditate

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meditationnotmedicine/   

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPnbji9rDrCfxhY0W8sHL9A

Book: Meditation Not Medicine



Show notes by Podcastologist: Angelica Rayco


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.